Домашня сторінка / Теґ Rhine /

Boosenburg Castle with its 12th century tower

DSC_3301.jpg Bernhard Dufner's band of 27 automatic dollsЕскізиBreuer's Rudesheimer Schloss hotel has 23 rooms and 3 suites[Rudesheim - Rhine River Cruise - Germany]Bernhard Dufner's band of 27 automatic dollsЕскізиBreuer's Rudesheimer Schloss hotel has 23 rooms and 3 suites[Rudesheim - Rhine River Cruise - Germany]Bernhard Dufner's band of 27 automatic dollsЕскізиBreuer's Rudesheimer Schloss hotel has 23 rooms and 3 suites[Rudesheim - Rhine River Cruise - Germany]

[Rudesheim - Rhine River Cruise - Germany]
