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Buried here are the bones of Turkish martyrs whose bones were found in the trenches

gallipoli_AJP1924.jpg Burial chamber showing gilded outer coffin in a quartzite sarcophagus.
[Tutankhamen - Valley of the Kings - Egypt]ThumbnailsBursaBurial chamber showing gilded outer coffin in a quartzite sarcophagus.
[Tutankhamen - Valley of the Kings - Egypt]ThumbnailsBursaBurial chamber showing gilded outer coffin in a quartzite sarcophagus.
[Tutankhamen - Valley of the Kings - Egypt]ThumbnailsBursaBurial chamber showing gilded outer coffin in a quartzite sarcophagus.
[Tutankhamen - Valley of the Kings - Egypt]ThumbnailsBursa

[Gallipoli Peninsula - Gelibolu Yarimadasi - Turkey]