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Find a Russia Phone Number or Telephone Code

Find a phone number!The Russia country phone code is 7 (Kazakhstan is also 7). Russia uses a four-level (local, zone, country, international) open dialing plan, but this is due to change to a closed system in 2010. Then you'll just dial the one number from anywhere. At the moment all Russian subscriber phone numbers consist of 10 digits (excluding any prefixes), with 3 digits for an area phone code and a 7-digit individual number which includes a zone code.

At the moment (early 2010), when you make a local phone call in Russia, you just dial the 7 digit phone number. If you make a phone call from Russia to any other Russian city, you dial 8, wait for a long tone, then (usually) dial the code of the city you're phoning to, then the subscriber phone number. In Moscow, the dialing pattern is different (default is Hot-Choice). After dialling "8", you wait for a tone and then dial the operator code (OC) either for a long distance call or an international call (they're different), then the number. So you have to know which operator the phone you're using is registered with.

Mobile (cell) phone numbers in Russia divide into the "federal" and "direct".A quot;Direct" mobile number looks like a normal phone number of the city where the phone is based. The "federal" numbers have a special mobile code, any call to a "federal" number will be the same as calling to another city, and you will need to dial it through the "8 tone procedure mentioned above. Note: if you phone to a mobile from abroad you will pay about 3 times more if you dial a "federal" number!

Free telephone number search

Yellow pages business directory for Russia. company names. You can search within one of many regions (click on Moscow and Moscow region at top left to get the list of regions. You can search all of them at once "Across Russia". Searches can be done in English, then when you get the listing you want you can switch to Russian and the results will be shown in Cyrillic, handy for mail. Use the Google toolbar to translate.

Claims 463,045 organisations listed, also claims to cover Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Ukraine and Estonia via subsidiary sites. In Russian, translate it with Google.

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Our other Russia pages:

Useful facts, dates and links to help you plan your tour of Russia

When to travel to Russia, weather, climate and seasons

Map of Russia

Book your hotel in Russia online

Book your sightseeing tours or day-trips in Russia online:

» MOSCOW Sightseeing Tours Events & Attractions

» ST. PETERSBURG Sightseeing Tours Events & Attractions


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