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Tony with Jan, owner of Abbey No. 8

abbey_no_8_DSC9651.jpg The very popular Chimay beers and the Chimay beer glass縮略圖Tourist train at GroenplaatsThe very popular Chimay beers and the Chimay beer glass縮略圖Tourist train at GroenplaatsThe very popular Chimay beers and the Chimay beer glass縮略圖Tourist train at GroenplaatsThe very popular Chimay beers and the Chimay beer glass縮略圖Tourist train at GroenplaatsThe very popular Chimay beers and the Chimay beer glass縮略圖Tourist train at GroenplaatsThe very popular Chimay beers and the Chimay beer glass縮略圖Tourist train at Groenplaats

[Abbey No. 8 - Belgian Beers & Brews - Handschoenmarkt - Antwerp]