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HMS Turbulent - a Trafalgar-glass submarine

Royal-Navy-Plymouth_AJP_9998.jpg HMS Talent - one of the seven Trafalgar class hunter killer submarinesVirschäibillerHochgerictlige strafe - a medieval restraint in the Marktplatz used to humiliate the offenderHMS Talent - one of the seven Trafalgar class hunter killer submarinesVirschäibillerHochgerictlige strafe - a medieval restraint in the Marktplatz used to humiliate the offenderHMS Talent - one of the seven Trafalgar class hunter killer submarinesVirschäibillerHochgerictlige strafe - a medieval restraint in the Marktplatz used to humiliate the offenderHMS Talent - one of the seven Trafalgar class hunter killer submarinesVirschäibillerHochgerictlige strafe - a medieval restraint in the Marktplatz used to humiliate the offender

[Plymouth Harbour - Plymouth - Devon - England]