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When to travel to Hungary: weather and seasonsWeather in HungaryHungary's weather can be extremely harsh in terms of coldness. But in general, the climate in Hungary is a moderate one with warm and quite long summers and winters that are cold. You really can't pick a particular time when you can say that the weather is always perfect. Hungary's climate is temperate, and the country can be divided into three climatic zones: Mediterranean in a small, southern region, Continental in the east, and Atlantic in the west. Keep the variations of the climate in Hungary in mind whenever you plan a trip so that you are able to enjoy your vacation. The climate in the South-East of Hungary is very different from the climate of Northern and Western Hungary and is similar to the climate of the Mediterranean. In general, winters in the south of Hungary are short, never beginning before November and the temperatures rarely drop below 0°C. May, June and November are the rainiest months in Hungary, with the West and Southwest receiving more rain than the East. July and August are the hottest months and nearly without rain. The climate Hungary during the winter months is freezing and some rain can be expected all through the year. As far as Budapest is concerned, it has a transitional, changeable climate because it is caught between two weather systems: Eastern European Continental and Western European Oceanic. September is a good time to be there, being warm and pleasant, with a maximum temperature of 22-25°C. Hungary is best visited over the summer period between May and September, when the weather is warmer and there's lots of sunshine - and the attractions are all open. Warm weather generally lingers through September and October. The weather in spring and autumn can also be very pleasant, but temperatures can drop to around 9°C (20°F). Spring in the west of Hungary begins some time in April when the weather starts to warm up and brings with it a rainy period. (though in Hungary, the weather can be pretty wet in the month of May and June too). Maximum and minimum temperatures are about 38°C (100°F) in the summer and -29°C (-20°F) in the winter. August is the hottest month (average temperature 21°C) and January the coldest (average -2°C). On some very chilly winter days temperature can fall to 10-20°C below zero, especially in the hills, while in the middle of summer temperatures around 30-35°C during the day are not unusual. Climate in HungaryFahrenheit and centigrade, inches and millimetres, average values.
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