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Find a Hungary Phone Number or Phone Code

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Find a Hungary Phone Number or Phone Code

Find a phone number!Finding Hungary phone numbers, both residential and business, and area phone codes is not difficult on line; several telephone directories, including mobile (cell) phone books are available.

The Hungary telephone country code is 36. To call from abroad you add the area phone code (1 for Budapest, two digit codes for the rest of the country) and the Hungary subscriber phone number (7 digits in Budapest, 6 digits elsewhere).

To call a Hungary phone number from within the country, you have to dial 06 + phone area code + subscriber phone number.

There are three Mobile (cell) phone networks: Pannon, T-Mobile and Vodafone Hungary.

Free telephone number search

Search the white pages phone book for Hungary by name or phone number. Magyar Telekom. In English (if not, select link top right)

Hungary Golden Pages directory in English (or choose top right). Provides maps.

Hungarian B2B directory publisher. Choose the English flag at the top for English version, five other languages.

Phone book for T-mobile mobile phone subscribers. In Hungarian but Google translation with toolbar is fine.

White pages for Vodafone mobile phone numbers. Hungarian. Use the Google toolbar translationbecause the English version of the site does not have a directory inquiry function.

White pages telephone directory for the Pannon GSM mobile phones. In Hungarian but Google translation with toolbar is fine. You can search by number and even find out which mobile service a number belongs to.

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Our other Hungary pages:

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When to travel to Hungary, weather, climate and seasons

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