Домашня сторінка / Теґи la tour eiffelx + paris eiffel towerx + warsaw fountainx /

Seine river cruises depart near the base of the Eiffel Tower

eiffel_tower_HLP4301.jpg Sculpture in the Jardins du TrocadéroЕскізиThe Eiffel Tower and the Fountain of WarsawSculpture in the Jardins du TrocadéroЕскізиThe Eiffel Tower and the Fountain of WarsawSculpture in the Jardins du TrocadéroЕскізиThe Eiffel Tower and the Fountain of WarsawSculpture in the Jardins du TrocadéroЕскізиThe Eiffel Tower and the Fountain of Warsaw

[Eiffel Tower - Seine River Cruise - Paris]