الرئيسية / الكلمات الدلائلية maison de victor hugox + musée victor hugox + victor hugox + victor hugo parisx /

Red living room. On the right is a bust of Victor Hugo by David d'Angers and a portrait of VH and his son François-Victor

maison_de_victor_hugo_AJP8541.jpg Ornate furniture in Juliette Drouet's dining room in Guerneseyالصور المصغرةSome works of Victor Hugo along the staircaseOrnate furniture in Juliette Drouet's dining room in Guerneseyالصور المصغرةSome works of Victor Hugo along the staircaseOrnate furniture in Juliette Drouet's dining room in Guerneseyالصور المصغرةSome works of Victor Hugo along the staircaseOrnate furniture in Juliette Drouet's dining room in Guerneseyالصور المصغرةSome works of Victor Hugo along the staircase

[Maison de Victor Hugo - Musée Victor Hugo - Paris]
