Staartsäit / Schlagwierder french cheesesx + marché saxe-breteuilx + paris market photosx /

Petit Gaugry from Fromagerie Gaugry in Brochon

marche-saxe-breteuil_HLP4370.jpg Farm cheeses such as Pelloënia by Gerard BordagarayVirschäibillerSome Mimolette, Reblochon de Savoie, Grand Murols and Montbriac cheesesFarm cheeses such as Pelloënia by Gerard BordagarayVirschäibillerSome Mimolette, Reblochon de Savoie, Grand Murols and Montbriac cheesesFarm cheeses such as Pelloënia by Gerard BordagarayVirschäibillerSome Mimolette, Reblochon de Savoie, Grand Murols and Montbriac cheesesFarm cheeses such as Pelloënia by Gerard BordagarayVirschäibillerSome Mimolette, Reblochon de Savoie, Grand Murols and Montbriac cheeses

[Marché Saxe-Breteuil - Avenue de Saxe - Paris 75007]