Домашня сторінка / Теґи hidden gardens of parisx + promenade plantée parisx + viaduc des artsx /

Police station with the unusual 'Dying Slave' statues

promenade_plantee_AJP5217.jpg Opéra  Bastille at the Place de la BastilleЕскізиPromenade Plantée takes you through a modern apartment blockOpéra  Bastille at the Place de la BastilleЕскізиPromenade Plantée takes you through a modern apartment blockOpéra  Bastille at the Place de la BastilleЕскізиPromenade Plantée takes you through a modern apartment blockOpéra  Bastille at the Place de la BastilleЕскізиPromenade Plantée takes you through a modern apartment block

[Promenade Plantée - Coulée Verte - Viaduc des Arts]