Домашня сторінка / Теґи Europe River Cruisex + UNESCO World Heritage Sitex /

Rauchbier is an acquired taste and Tony's already acquired it

rauchbier_IMG5828.jpg Rauchbier is a smoked beer - tastes like smoked ham - it's a bit bizarreЕскізиRinging the bell for RauchbierRauchbier is a smoked beer - tastes like smoked ham - it's a bit bizarreЕскізиRinging the bell for RauchbierRauchbier is a smoked beer - tastes like smoked ham - it's a bit bizarreЕскізиRinging the bell for RauchbierRauchbier is a smoked beer - tastes like smoked ham - it's a bit bizarreЕскізиRinging the bell for Rauchbier

[Bamberg - Main & Danube River Cruise - Germany]