ホーム / タグ oktoberfest beersx + schottenhamel oktoberfest tentx /

Schottenhamel is the largest of the Oktoberfest tents.

Schottenhamel-Oktoberfest-tent_DSC_4476.jpg Not everyone at Oktoberfest is loud and rowdyサムネイルSchottenhamel Oktoberfest tentNot everyone at Oktoberfest is loud and rowdyサムネイルSchottenhamel Oktoberfest tentNot everyone at Oktoberfest is loud and rowdyサムネイルSchottenhamel Oktoberfest tentNot everyone at Oktoberfest is loud and rowdyサムネイルSchottenhamel Oktoberfest tent

Schottenhamel has capacity for 10,000 visitors. More importantly, this is where the annual Oktoberfest tapping of the barrel tradition takes place.
[Oktoberfest - Wiesn - Munich - Germany]