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Salon de Embajadores: Admiring the gold tiles of the Throne Room floor

alhambra-salon-de-embajadores_DSC_8308.jpg Salon de Embajadores:  The Chamber of the Ambassadors or throne roomThumbnailsSalon de Embajadores: Barricaded area where many original peices of golden tiles still existSalon de Embajadores:  The Chamber of the Ambassadors or throne roomThumbnailsSalon de Embajadores: Barricaded area where many original peices of golden tiles still existSalon de Embajadores:  The Chamber of the Ambassadors or throne roomThumbnailsSalon de Embajadores: Barricaded area where many original peices of golden tiles still existSalon de Embajadores:  The Chamber of the Ambassadors or throne roomThumbnailsSalon de Embajadores: Barricaded area where many original peices of golden tiles still exist

[The Alhambra - Granada - Spain]