主頁 / 標籤 alhambra granadax + palacio de comaresx /

Salon de Embajadores: The walls of this chamber are completely covered with decoration.

alhambra-salon-de-embajadores_DSC_8310.jpg Salon de Embajadores: Holy inscriptions on the wall縮略圖The ceilling of the Throne Room represents the seven heavens of the Muslim cosmosSalon de Embajadores: Holy inscriptions on the wall縮略圖The ceilling of the Throne Room represents the seven heavens of the Muslim cosmosSalon de Embajadores: Holy inscriptions on the wall縮略圖The ceilling of the Throne Room represents the seven heavens of the Muslim cosmosSalon de Embajadores: Holy inscriptions on the wall縮略圖The ceilling of the Throne Room represents the seven heavens of the Muslim cosmos

[The Alhambra - Granada - Spain]