Домашня сторінка / Теґи monestir de montserratx + montserrat monasteryx /

Museu de Montserrat where you can see works by El Greco, Caravaggio, Berruguete, Miró, Picasso and Dalí

museu-de-montserrat_DSC_7664.jpg Mosaics showing the Black Madonna being proclaimed patron saint of Catalonia and other religion scenes.ЕскізиOfferings of candles by the faithfulMosaics showing the Black Madonna being proclaimed patron saint of Catalonia and other religion scenes.ЕскізиOfferings of candles by the faithfulMosaics showing the Black Madonna being proclaimed patron saint of Catalonia and other religion scenes.ЕскізиOfferings of candles by the faithfulMosaics showing the Black Madonna being proclaimed patron saint of Catalonia and other religion scenes.ЕскізиOfferings of candles by the faithful

[Montserrat - Catalonia - Spain]