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A highlight of this trip was drinking Orval beer from the place it was made

orval-beer-DSC0146.jpg A highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at WeihertorplatzA highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at WeihertorplatzA highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at WeihertorplatzA highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at WeihertorplatzA highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at WeihertorplatzA highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at WeihertorplatzA highlight of any visit to Miltenberg is its Old Market SquareThumbnailsA historic restaurant at Weihertorplatz

[Orval Beer Tasting - Hostellerie d'Orval]