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Legend of a woman who bet that the Rialto Bridge would not be completed

venice-legends_AJP1482.jpg Legend of a man who bet that the Rialto Bridge would not be completedThumbnailsLegend of the Earth and Legend of the Sea reliefs by Alfred JanniotLegend of a man who bet that the Rialto Bridge would not be completedThumbnailsLegend of the Earth and Legend of the Sea reliefs by Alfred JanniotLegend of a man who bet that the Rialto Bridge would not be completedThumbnailsLegend of the Earth and Legend of the Sea reliefs by Alfred JanniotLegend of a man who bet that the Rialto Bridge would not be completedThumbnailsLegend of the Earth and Legend of the Sea reliefs by Alfred Janniot

[San Polo - Venice - Italy]
