Festa della Repubblica | Rome travel

June 2nd is Festa della Repubblica, when Italians the world over commemorate the 1946 proclamation of the Italian Republic. It’s a national holiday in Italy and we wish all our Italians friends a happy holiday.

If you’re lucky enough to be in Rome at this time, there are lots of festivities and events happening at this time.

    Italian flag

    Italian flag

  • Watch out for the traditional and highly evocative military parade which takes place on via dei Fori Imperiali. This military parade is a tradition carried on since 1950.
  • The gardens of the Palazzo del Quirinale, official residence of the President, will open and free to the public on June 2nd, with concerts performed by the band of the Italian Army, Italian Navy, Italian Air Force, Carabinieri, State Police, Guardia di Finanza, Polizia Penitenziaria (Penitentiary Police) and Corpo Forestale dello Stato (State Forestry Department). This is very popular with the locals.  I’m sure lots of ladies will be there checking out the ‘men in uniform’.  The presidential guards are deliciously good looking!
  • Head for the Spanish Steps where the azaleas make their annual appearance. With 700 plants on the Trinità dei Monti and adjacent streets it’s no wonder the Trinità dei Monti has gained the reputation of the ‘most beautiful staircase in the world’.

Festa della Repubblica also kicks off the summer festivals and all around Rome, there are jazz festivals, operas, music concerts, art festivals and much, much more.

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