paris-sewer-museum_HLP4761.jpg Scene from Les Miserables where Jean Valjean rescues Marius from the barricade and escapes through the sewersMiniaturySteps down to the Paris Sewer MuseumScene from Les Miserables where Jean Valjean rescues Marius from the barricade and escapes through the sewersMiniaturySteps down to the Paris Sewer MuseumScene from Les Miserables where Jean Valjean rescues Marius from the barricade and escapes through the sewersMiniaturySteps down to the Paris Sewer MuseumScene from Les Miserables where Jean Valjean rescues Marius from the barricade and escapes through the sewersMiniaturySteps down to the Paris Sewer Museum

[Musée des Égouts - Paris Sewer Museum - Paris]