Phone the Czech Republic: Czech phone number, Czech telephone directory, Czech phone code
Finding a Czech phone number is simple, an online telephone directory easily available and the phone system efficient. The Czech Republic phone country code is 420. There are no area codes, so you just add the whole 9 digit subscriber number.
As far as mobile (cell) phones are concerned, here are three main GSM cell phone companies in the Czech Republic: T-mobile, Vodafone and O2, and also U:fon which runs a CDMA network.
Free telephone number search
CZECH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY White pages directory of people and businesses in English. For people, fill at least "Last name" field and "City" or "Phone area" fields. For companies, fill in at least the "Company" or "Keyword" field and select a region for the company.
O2 ACTIVE PHONEBOOK White Pages for the Czech Republic. Simple but sophisticated search. You need to enter the name, last name, street, city, or company name a surname or company name, and press "Vyhledat". The Google translation is OK, or here’s a key:
Příjmení – last name; Jméno – first name; Ulice – street; Číslo domu – house number; Obec – city/town/village; Část obce – town district; Tel. obvod – calling area (region); Používám diakritiku – I’m using the Czech diacritical marks (uncheck the box if you’re not, and you probably won’t be!).
ZLATE STRANKY Yellow pages directory of Czech Republic businesses. In English (via little flag top right)
Marilyn Barney-Vinduska says
Trying desperately to find phone number for Pavel Vinduska,Prague Chezch Republic. Needs to be in English. Can you help me? Need number for filings of divorces in same place. Thank you so much if you can help me or guide me in the right direction.
Tony Page says
Hello, Marilyn,
I’m afraid the best we can do is to supply you with the information on the directories in the post. Note that there are some Polish terms explained above which can help you in your quest, and don’t forget Google Translate (easier if you use the Chrome browser and extension).
Best wishes,
Tony Page
Robert Chmelka says
Looking for the phone number of the Reruchova family in
Dukovany Czech Republic, zip code 67556.
Has to replied in english
Antonio Espinosa Coello says
Pozdravy z Baracoa. Kuba!
Snažím se najít svého syna v Checolovaquii, uplynul čas a nemám žádné zprávy o mém synovi. Prosím, pomozte mi … Díky. Můj. mail
Mats Lind says
Looking for the phone number to the Chlubná family in Ceska Bela.