Ukraine Phone Codes, Ukraine Phone Numbers, Ukraine Phone Books
The country telephone code for Ukraine is 380. Ukraine area phone codes have two digits, and the subscriber phone numbers seven digits. For mobile (cell) phone numbers in Ukraine, you have to use a network code instead of an area phone code; these are 39, 50, 63, 66, 67, 68, 9x, so you’ll need to know this as well as the number.
Ukraine phone numbers and telephone codes have switched to a closed system, i.e. seven digit-long numbers for all zones. Within Ukraine you dial 0, wait for a dial tone (optional on digital exchanges), and then dial the phone code followed by the local number. If you’re calling within the local area you just dial the number.
Free telephone number search
A Ukraine telephone directory usually means a business directory; the only White Pages phone book showing the residential numbers in Ukraine at present is the multi-country
WHITE PAGES UKRAINE Choose Ukraine, then the place you need from the drop-down menu. As an extra, they give you a brief description of the place where you’re searching too. some of the
buttons and links are in Russian, but nothing Google Translate can’t handle.
UKRAINET YELLOW PAGES An eclectic selection, various categories, cities and a few other countries (only a few entries for the countries, though).
BIZUKRAINE.COM This site provides a directory of 1591 Ukraine businesses.
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