Coast to Coast Walk – REETH to RICHMOND: The wind always seemed to blow in our faces. Still, mustn’t grumble. And anyway, who could really complain? Walking across open fields, exercising a thousand muscles; breathing in fresh spring air laden with a hint of farmyard aroma, and generally just being in the countryside, was the stuff to bring a glowing ruddiness to one’s cheeks.
We crossed the old bridge in Marske and noticed the ancient church of St Edmund just above us. A few strides further on we found ourselves back in the fields, crossing more stiles, on the track down to Clapgate Beck.
From there it was a stiff climb up to Applegarth Scar. We skirted the base of neighbouring Whitcliffe Scar and continued along the track.
I had to stop to retie my boots while Carol continued. The coldness of the day was remarkable. Many trees were quite bare; magnificent skeletal structures of branches silhouetted against a pale grey sky, a stark reminder of winter’s lingering departure.
I continued on to a gate, which permitted access to Whitcliffe Wood and noticed two rather sorry looking walkers massaging their feet.
“Looks nasty” I prompted them.
“ It’s my blisters,” replied the one who was applying Band-Aids to his damaged feet.
They had started their walk from Robin Hood’s Bay and had been camping and sleeping in barns. The one who was repairing his blistered feet explained
their condition.
“I bought these 1000 mile socks for the walk, because the makers pro m i s e d that if you got blisters they would refund your money. So I’m sending them back.”
Not much consolation at the moment, I thought.
I recommend that walkers wear an inner liner pair of wicking sox, and wear a heavier sock on top of that. The wicking sox “wick” the foot’s perspiration away from the foot and leave it in the outer sock. This minimises the possibilities of blisters and makes your walking experience that much more enjoyable.
Remember two pairs, not one. Every night wash the wicking sox to keep them clean. The outer sox can be washed every second night.
We wished each other well and I continued on into the woods. The road was wide and muddy, and I climbed to another gate where the woods ended abruptly. The vista opened out and I caught up with Carol. From this high vantage point, Richmond lay spread out below us with the magnificent keep of its castle visible in the distance.
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