Dublin has a vibrant literary scene, full of bookshops, gigs, classes and sessions: Dublin is the fourth UNESCO city of literature and hosts the International Literature Festival, the Dublin Book Festival, and a range of less publicised but no less excellent events scattered throughout the calendar. The city’s cultural heritage is even reflected in its place names: James Joyce Street, […]
Festivals – Galway Oyster Festival
The World’s longest running oyster festival: My greatest disappointment with my two trips to Ireland is that I’ve never made it to the Galway International Oyster Festival, usually held in September to celebrate the start of the oyster season. I love oysters and Tony loves oysters and Guinness so this festival is really ideal for […]
Ireland Travel
Ireland Travel – a Four-leaf Clover Europe Tour to be sure! Ireland travel is remarkably relaxing. Somehow, the pace of an Irish tour, no matter how crammed full of sights and activities, seems slower and more leisurely than travelling elsewhere in Europe. Ireland may have a thriving, world-class IT industry, but in the countryside and […]