MILTENBERG – A MAIN RIVER TOWN KNOWN FOR ITS BEAUTIFUL TIMBER-FRAMED HOUSES: Amsterdam to Budapest River Cruise – Avalon Waterways – Day 5 This morning we arrived at the historic town of Miltenberg which is known for its gabled, timber-framed houses. From our Main River mooring it was a short walk to Hauptstrasse, the main […]
Wine-tasting at the Aristocratic House of Löwenstein
Fürst Löwenstein Wine-tasting at Schloss Kleinheubach : PARIS & THE HEART OF EUROPE – UNIWORLD RIVER CRUISE – DAY 11: Our brief walking tour of Miltenberg this morning was not too enjoyable. After a brilliant day of sunshine in Würzburg yesterday, our luck ran out in Miltenberg and it rained when we were doing our sightseeing tour. […]