Six gondolas, live musical accompaniment, and a lot of “Prosecco” – beware, tourists! Six gondolas abreast down the Grand Canal? Tony and Helen Page brave a slightly out-of-control shared gondola cruise (maybe the prosecco had something to do with it) that starts off at the Rialto Bridge and parties on down the famous Venetian waterway. […]
Sightseeing in Style and Comfort on the Vaporetto dell’Arte
The Vaporetto dell’Arte Connects Visitors to Art Galleries and Other Venice Attractions: [Service Suspended] – It was thanks to a very persuasive ticket seller that I found myself buying tickets for the Vaporetto dell’Arte. At the San Marco vaporetto stop, I had five minutes to buy our vaporetto tickets before our waterbus for Piazzale Roma […]
Venice Connected and Vaporetto Tickets
Buying Your Vaporetto Tickets On-line With Venice Connected You can now buy your transport ticket on-line through the Venice Connected website. Venice Connected vaporetto travel ticket prices used to be based on your planned date of travel and vary depending on whether it’s Low/Medium season, Medium/High season or Peak period and it was possible to […]
Vaporetto dell’Arte – Venice’s Hop-on-Hop-off Waterbus
Vaporetto dell’Arte – A Waterbus Line Connecting Visitors to the City’s Cultural Attractions: Venice has always been a city that’s best explored on foot. As the city is car-free and vaporetto stops are not always close to the cultural attractions, walking is the best way of getting around Venice, that is if you are a […]
Practical Information for Venice
Practical Information for Venice Venice Tourist Information Centre Piazza San Marco, Venice Tel (041) 522 6356 American Express San Marco 1471, Venice Tel (041) 520 0844 Hospital: Ospedale Civili Riunti di Venezia, Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo 30122, Tel (041) 523 0000 This hospital is housed within the ‘Scuola Granda di San Marco’, next to […]