Piazzale Roma – the Gateway for all Venice Transport: Piazzale Roma has none of the charms of the many Venetian piazzas and campos. This large Venetian square at the western end of the island is a major hub for all Venice transport and the thousands of people who use the square every day are either hopping […]
Luggage Storage in Venice
Deposito Bagagli – Where to Store Your Luggage for Your Short Stay in Venice: If you are arriving in Venice with a large suitcase, one of the biggest challenge is how to get your luggage across the many of bridges that criss-cross the city. So if you’re only stopping in Venice for a brief visit, […]
Venice Connected and Vaporetto Tickets
Buying Your Vaporetto Tickets On-line With Venice Connected You can now buy your transport ticket on-line through the Venice Connected website. Venice Connected vaporetto travel ticket prices used to be based on your planned date of travel and vary depending on whether it’s Low/Medium season, Medium/High season or Peak period and it was possible to […]
How to Use the Venice People Mover
We Took a Ride on the Venice People Mover to Find Out How it Works: On a recent trip to Venice, we took a ride on the People Mover to see how this transport system works. The Venice People Mover is a monorail system that links three of Venice’s transport hubs: Piazzale Roma – the […]
Venice People Mover
Venice People Mover Links Piazzale Roma, Marittima Cruise Terminal and Tronchetto: For the many visitors and Venetian commuters who need to get from Venice to the Venice cruise terminal or the Tronchetto car park, the Venice People Mover has made transport a lot more convenient and comfortable. Launched in April 2010, the People Mover offers […]
Walking in Venice
Walking in Venice: Walking is the best way to get around and see Venice The best way of getting around Venice is on foot. The city is not very big, and – provided you don’t get lost, easier said than done – you can walk from one end to the other in an hour or […]
Venice Water Taxis (Motoscafi)
Motoscafi (water taxis) are Venice’s limousines The fastest, and most glamorous, way to get around Venice is by motoscafo (water taxi), especially the retro mahoghany-hulled ones. These boats are especially convenient when it rains, because you can sit inside their enclosed cabin. Venice Water Taxi Rates But they are expensive: there is a minimum set […]
Traghetti in Venice
Traghetti: A Gondola Ride for €2.00! A gondola ride for €2.00. All Venetians and commuters know all about this, most tourists don’t: you can get on a gondola and cross the Canal Grande for just €2.00 (September 2012). Across the Grand Canal – Standing Up! If you just want to experience having a gondola trip, […]
Vaporetto Tickets and Fares
How to buy a ticket, how to use it and how much it costs! You need to buy a ticket before getting on board, and you buy tickets from the ticket seller or new multilingual ticket-vending machines at the boat stop. The machines take credit cards, euro banknotes or euro coins. They do give change, […]
Vaporetto Routes in Venice
Vaporetti: Where they go in Venice and route numbers You can split the various routes or Linee (lines) into three main categories: Venice City Centre Lines Circular Lines Lagoon Lines Venice City Centre Lines No mystery here. These routes are the ones you’ll use most. They criss-cross the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal, with […]