Rattenfängerhaus – Hameln’s Rat-Catcher’s House is Now a Restaurant: Hameln’s Rat Catcher’s House (Rattenfängerhaus) has nothing to do with the rat-catcher in the Pied Piper story. The house got its name from the inscription on the side upper facade of the building which records the 1284 disappearance of the 130 children from Hameln: “A.D. 1284 […]
Hameln's Wedding House (Hochzeitshaus)
The Hochzeitshaus is a Building that Many Visitors will be Familiar with: The Hochzeitshaus (Wedding House) in Hameln is a building that many visitors will be familiar with. Three times a day, at 13:05, 15:35 and 17:35 the Pied Piper Story is depicted here. At the appointed times, the pretty bells on the facade chime […]
The Legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin
Hameln’s Pied Piper Story Goes Back to the Year 1284: The story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin goes back to the year 1284. It was said that there was a rat plague in Hameln and the people did not know what to do. A stranger appeared on the scene, dressed in pied (multicoloured) clothing. […]